Feb 11

It felt really nice to be spinning, even if it was just a bit of quick plying. I haven't done any spinning since we got Abby (a rambunctious puppy, a basket of fluffy roving, and a bunch of whirling objects are not a good mix). There are rhythms inherent in spinning and it felt good to settle into one. It was also nice to be using this particular spindle since it's not the one I use the most and I fear it feels neglected.
I haven't unwound and measured my yarn yet. I think it's probably around the 30 - 40 m mark. It will be a handy addition to what I've got already. I just need to come up with a project for it:
I'm considering some socks - it's superwash after all - of the squashy, around-the-house variety. I realize I'm already working on a pair of socks (I'm about halfway done the heel of the first of the Unmatching socks - Abby gets very curious every time I pick it up so it goes slowly) but those are everyday socks.
A cowl might work too. Something loose and drapey to fill in the neckline on my scoop necked sweaters. But then I just got a nice bunch of alpaca fibre (it's so soft and a beautiful pale caramel colour and came from an alapaca living in Alberta) that would make a wonderful lacy cowl (and alpaca is so nice and warm).
No, I think it will be socks for the superwash and leave the cowl for the alpaca. I'm sure I was thinking of socks when I spun it up in the first place and if I made it into a cowl I would always know that it was really supposed to be socks. A two ply isn't great for socks but it should be fine for house socks (or are they called bed socks) - the kind of thing you wear on Saturday mornings while you drink your coffee and when you're stuck at home feeling sick and want all your most comfy stuff.
I wonder what needles I should use?
I wonder if Abby has chewed them yet?
ps. I think I am getting a cold. My nose is stuffy. Rob suggested we have tea. It's good. I think I might want to knit something cozy.