Dec 11
We have a great little take-out sushi place here. They have a few tables, a good menu and they serve gen mai cha - one of my favourite teas - in little paper cups. The tea is really good but it is also really hot and a regular coffee cup cozy is too big for the little cups. I decided I should make a custom cozy for my cup of tea.
I was going to sew a cup cozy but then I remembered the Coffee Cozy pattern in More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts and decided to knit instead. I had to fiddle with the numbers a bit since the cup I was using was smaller than the one the pattern was designed for but on such a small project that's not a big deal.
The yarn is my own handspun called "Sun in the Sky"; a thick-and-thin wool singles. I think it was the second thing I spun and there wasn't much of it. Almost the whole skein went into my little cup cozy. I like the way the bits of yellow show up in the blue.