Jun 26
We spent this afternoon out on a lake with Rob's parents. It was a warm day but the wind picked up a lot while we were out and by the time we came back even the smaller bays had whitecaps. The waves were that beautiful emerald colour they only are when the weather is a little rough. We spent a bit of time in a well sheltered bay drifting around while Rob's dad tried a bit of fishing. As the wind picked up we could see the birch and poplar trees along the shorelines dancing; the pine trees continued to stand still.
Abby was a pretty good boater. While we were going fast and had plenty of spray coming over the bow she lay down on the seat with her head in my lap but once things slowed down she was up and climbing around. When Dale started fishing she seemed to seriously consider jumping over the side and taking a swim. Fortunately for those of us who wanted to stay dry she's not all that keen on deep water.