Aug 19
My mum came over on Thursday afternoon so I could pickle beans. I know my mother-in-law has some jars of pickles for us, and I'm pretty sure beans are among them, but I figure we are likely to be using different recipes so I could still give this one a try. It's from Food In Jars*** and I've been waiting since I got the book last year to make it. The recipe makes just four jars (and one of those is going to Mum as a thank-you). Canning recipes are often so big; it's a relief to be able to try something new without wondering what you're going to do with the other seven jars if you don't like the first one.
Some random notes:
1. I had more beans ripe than it turned out I needed. Even though I used more that the recipe called for for my four jars.
2. It started raining while I was outside picking beans and began to pour while I washed them off in the kitchen.
3. Abby gets very jealous of anyone paying more attention to Maisie than to her.
4. This was the prettiest bulb of garlic. My photographs completely fails to capture the beautiful purl tints on those cloves.
5. Pickling fluid looks boring in a photograph.
6. Pickling spices and veggies look much prettier.
7. No matter what I make there is always one jar that does not seal when everything comes out of the canner. It goes directly into the fridge and becomes the first jar we eat.
8. We have to wait two weeks before we can eat these pickles. I know they will be better then but they look so good right now.
9. There are more beans coming on my plants.