May 22
I got my seeds in the ground this weekend. Flowers in the front and veggies in the back. We should be eating peas, beans, carrots, beets, radishes, potatoes and spring onions later this summer. I tied Abby up in the back yard to keep me company while I was working. She seemed to have a good time watching the birds and squirrels that were visiting our feeders. My seed potatoes are leftovers from my harvest last summer. They started to sprout before I used them up and I just never got around to throwing them into the compost. I picked the five best looking ones and put them in the garden. It's so exciting to think I'll get a whole new crop of potatoes from them.
Are you wondering about that last picture? Does it look like I took a few handfuls of peanuts and put them in my garden? Because that's just what I did. Every year the squirrels bury peanuts around the yard and one or two will sprout. Last year one of the sprouts was just starting to make buds when we got our first frost; I thought this year I would plant a few handfuls intentionally and see if we can find out what peanut flowers look like. I'm pretty sure only the whole peanuts can sprout but I didn't feel like sorting through each handful. Those that don't sprout will just compost and that's fine with me.