Nov 07
No, I haven't disappeared off the face of the planet ... I just, at the moment, have what I heard someone recently refer to as "a velcro baby". Maisie has been "all Mummy, all the time" the last week or two and at times it seemed like I'd never get to use my arms for anything else ever again, but this week she's easing off a bit and spending more time practicing her new skill. She can now move around on her tummy and squirms across the floor with a ridiculously excited expression after rattles, dog toys and me. I love watching her go. I must have found little moments to use my hands though because Maisie has a new pair of pants and an almost finished sweater. She was nicely amused by all the hammering to get the snaps onto her new bibs so I was able to finish those too. Crafting in tiny bits is a very different experience and I'm still getting use to it.
Looking back at the pictures I've shared of Maisie eating all her new foods she seems to be remarkably clean. I thought I'd better have at least one picture of her at the end of a meal with oatmeal smeared everywhere. She got to have a bath after her first experience with blueberries (but she liked them so much I added them to her oatmeal the following morning). At least two of her bibs are just the right colour for blueberries and a few others I mentally designate "squash and carrots" bibs.
I picked the last carrots out of my garden just before the snow came. It's the kind that will be sticking around all winter and made for a slippery Hallowe'en. Rob spent a while outside after work on Thursday evening making sure the path to our door was safe for all the little ghouls and princesses that might come by. Maisie was a tiger for Hallowe'en and fell asleep between when I got her costume on and when Rob got home from work but woke up in time to go to a friend's house to trick-or-treat.