Mar 23
Maisie has asked for a pair of blue socks. I let her pick out a skein and we wound it up together. I traced around her food and took some measurements. All that’s needed is a bit of math and I can cast on.
In a Peanut Shell
In a Peanut Shell
In a Peanut Shell
In a Peanut Shell
Mar 23
Maisie has asked for a pair of blue socks. I let her pick out a skein and we wound it up together. I traced around her food and took some measurements. All that’s needed is a bit of math and I can cast on.
Mar 12
Last week was full of preparations and celebrations. Maisie is three! I can hardly believe it. At the same time it seems impossible she could have been any different than she is now. I remember a friend telling me that she thought three was just awesome and I completely agree. Maisie’s imagination is constantly working in the most amazing ways. She picks things up so quickly and is ready for the next thing before I’ve even realized that she’s mastered the first. I asked her what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday and she said “blue with strawberries inside.” I was very happy to comply and made one of my favourite recipes for strawberry pound cake and covered the whole thing with blue buttercream icing. I wanted to make swirls all over but ran out of icing and Rob suggested I just smooth out what I had left on the top and leave the swirls on the sides. Brilliant. It looks great to me. I found the little dancer in her blue dress while I was hunting for my icing tips so I popped her on there along with three candles for the birthday girl to blow out. The number shirt this year is from Rae’s Flashback Skinny Tee pattern. I made the size 3T and it fits Maisie perfectly with just enough length in the sleeves for growing. My only modification was to shave about ⅛” of the neckline and use a narrower band; Maisie often complains when shirts are too close to her neck. We had three little friends over for a part and made no-bake cheesecakes from this recipe. Cooking with Dog is a favourite show of Maisie’s and she’s watched this particular video many, many times. I didn’t even really have to give directions for the different steps of making the filling. She knew what to do and was happy to help her friends figure it out. We had berries and mini chocolate chips for the kids to put on top of their cheesecakes. So much fun (with leftover cake for breakfast and tea during the week).
Mar 06
We were treated to a wonderfully warm day last Thursday. I think the high was around -6℃ and there was hardly any wind. Mum and I arranged to pick up Maisie early so we could take her out onto the lake with Abby. She gets so excited about wearing her snowsuit and sitting down in the snow. We didn’t get to do much walking or running around once we were on the lake. Maisie plunked herself down, asked for her mittens, and tried to make snowballs. Our snow was too dry to cooperate but she had a lot of fun anyway. Abby ran around like a mad think and had a couple of snow baths. I always feel like we need to take advantage of every nice day we get. This winter has been much milder than most but there still haven’t been many days warm enough for me to be comfortable going for a walk at Maisie’s pace. We dropped into the -30s two days later and are only just creeping back into the teens today. March can be an unpredictable month but I think we should manage a few more snow play adventures before spring really gets going and it’s not safe to go on the lake anymore.
… but then there will be ducks!