Jun 09
The garden is in for the most part. I’m planning to do corn against the front of the house where we get a lot of sun and it needs to be a bit hotter, and I need to turn the bed, before I can do that. We have so many new things in the garden this year: okra, cauliflower, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, eggplants and the corn. We’ve got two half barrels with strawberries on the front porch. They’ll probably be joined by a container of flowers sometime but I need another bag of potting mix for that. I’ve got sunflowers and cosmos to put in with the corn for a bit more colour on that side of the house. Maisie is very excited about the strawberries. She’d been talking for months about how we’d have strawberries in our garden. We went out to the nursery earlier than I usually do just to make sure we’d be able to get some. There’s already a berry coming and more on the way.
The back deck is sporting beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, herbs, and eggplants. The lower garden boxes have more peas, radishes, turnips, beets, broccolini, carrots, more tomatoes, okra, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, zucchini, and some onions that volunteered from last year. We had a mild winter and it must have been just warm enough for them to make it. It makes me want to try planting garlic and crocuses in the fall from now on, just in case. The beans are pole beans for the first time. I usually do bush beans because it’s just so easy to not have to provide anything for them to climb but I felt like trying something new. That seems to be my theme this year. My hope is that the bean plants will be able to climb along the deck railings. We put the bean barrel right in the corner of the deck to put as much railing as possible within reach. We’ll see how it goes. I stuck flowers - marigolds, violas and some yellow flowers whose name I've forgotten - anywhere they would fit in amongst the vegetables.
It’s really fun having Maisie around while I’m in the garden. It sometimes means things take longer or that I have to do them twice but her point of view on everything is so different than mine that it makes things really interesting. She asks questions that never occurs to me and notices things that I tend to overlook. She’s also learned the use the nozzle on the hose and is keen to water all the dandelions she can find, usually from point blank range.
The photos above show the garden over a period of about two weeks. I always love watching this transformation. The big white cat belongs to someone in the neighbourhood. It's the biggest most friendly cat I've ever met and almost knocked Maisie down rubbing up against her. Generally speaking I strongly discourage letting cats outside, much to Fred's displeasure, but I've seen this cat chase off a fox so it can get away with being the exception to the rule.