Apr 28
It's twenty after seven in the morning and I would rather be blissfully sleeping in but I'm a morning person and the sun is getting up pretty early by this time of year so I find myself getting up early too. Even the furnace won't be awake for another hour. The day has already rewarded me with a bit of wonder though. When I let Abby outside just now I took a deep breath and realized I was smelling the first dewy morning of the year. There is still frost in the shade of course but everywhere the sun has hit is moist and glossy. Environment Canada tells me our over night low was plus one degree Celsius. We didn't drop below zero last night. We will certainly be below zero again many times before the end of May but today I can actually believe that the snow will all disappear, that in a month or so I'll be working earth and putting my garden in, that there will be days where putting on a jacket will be unthinkable, that summer is a real thing and is on it's way.