Dec 22
Pattern: Basic 2x2 ribbed hat
Yarn: Superbulky Handspun from SuliFIBRES (I think it was called Razcherry)
Size: To fit my head (44 stitches around)
Yardage: Pretty much the whole skein (but I don't remember how much that is)
Needles: 5.00 mm
Most of Friday was spent at the hospital getting poked and prodded. Nothing serious and the results are that I'm both normal and healthy but it involved plenty of needles and lots of waiting around. I don't do well with needles and spending long periods of time in anticipation of them isn't great either so before we left the house I made sure I was equipped with some simple, comfortable knitting to keep me calm.
This was the perfect project. It was quick and easy and the yarn is so squashy and soft. I got about half way through my hat before we went home and finished it up on Saturday afternoon. I didn't really have a pattern, just a vague idea. Based on something I remembered from Knitting Rules by the Yarn Harlot I knit until my hat was as tall as my hand with fingers spread and then worked decreases. I probably could have decreased a little faster but I like a hat that comes well down over my ears. It keeps the wind out.
I really, really wish I knew where the tag for this yarn is. I'm sure I've got it ... stuffed in a draw or the pocket of some binder ... somewhere. I think it was called "Razcherry" ... at least I'm pretty sure it involved "Raz" ... or referred to raspberries in some way. I've worked it up twice before, both times unsuccessfully. I guess it was waiting for the right moment. It's nice to have something to switch out for my extra warm green hat on days that are only moderately cold.