Jul 24

Last Friday (actually two Fridays ago now) I went grocery shopping in the afternoon and thought I'd get myself something nice for afternoon tea (because I like to have afternoon tea when I'm at home by myself). I was thinking of cookies or something fr om the bakery but my shopping list included pickling salt so I was over looking at the preserves supplies first.

I knew that freezer jam required special pectin but I hadn't known that there was a recipe on the back of the packet. I instantly switches from cookies of jam and bread for my tea menu, grabbed a set of pretty jars and headed over to the produce section to pick out some strawberries.

The back of the pectin packet says "Fruit to Jam in 30 Minutes" and it isn't lying. I got my berries washed and hulled and cut into bits and mashed them up. When I couldn't see any really big pieces anymore I stirred in the sugar and pectin (and completely missed the part where it said to stir for 3 minutes but it seems to have turned out okay anyway). When the jam went into the jars I also put a small baguette into the oven (I'm still using this recipe regularly) and half an hour later I had fresh strawberry jam on warm bread with my cup of tea.

And the best part ... Three more jars sitting in the freezer.

Actually, by the time I'm posting this there is half a jar in the fridge and one jar left in the freezer. I'll be making more soon.