Nov 23
Hey there. Sorry for the blog break. That wasn't on purpose. Yesterday, for my first time ever, I had a table at a local craft fair and the last few weeks have been pretty busy getting ready for it. I'm also having some trouble getting pictures off my camera and on to my computer. It turns out my computer is just full of pictures so I'm having to go back through my library and delete the ones I don't need (why do I keep so many blurry photos?). I started at the beginning and so far I've done up to July 2008. That's probably a quarter of my total library and I've gotten rid of almost 2000 blurry, out of focus, or just unneeded pictures so far. Somewhere in 2008 or 2009 I started doing Project 365 and my picture taking increased dramatically. I love the pictures though. It's fun to see our old apartment, how we used to look, the things we were doing. Totally worth it and it even makes this culling project not too bad because I'm looking at all these things and telling Maisie about them.
Before my computer refused to accept any more photos I managed to download the ones I took of Maisie in her Hallowe'en costume. It turned out really well and the best part is that she really liked it. She was so excited about her fancy 'jacket' while I was making it and still puts it on from time to time to play. Rob picked her costume theme: a white mage from Final Fantasy III. In the old Final Fantasy games the characters were always short, squat little figures and they look so much like toddlers.
I used the Kid's Robe pattern from Purl Soho as a base for the costume. I added some flare to the sleeves and the bottom of the robe and cut a curve for the hem. I also made the hood pointier. This is the size 2-3 and it fits Maisie well. I'd intended to make it a bit big to fit over her coat but I don't think it would have gone. Fortunately we had a very warm Hallowe'en (+1C!) and the robe over a long sleeved tee was enough. The robe is polyester satin with fleece lining. The buttons are sewn on over velcro to make it easy for Maisie to get them on and off by herself.
Rob took Maisie to a couple of neighbours' houses. As far as I could tell she did almost all of the walking herself. When they came back to our house I dropped a little box of raisins into her bucket. She responded by saying "bye, bye" and trying to head back out the door. Just like every other child she'd seen me give candy to that evening. Rob took her out again to one more house and then she was ready to come home. That was followed by eating all three pieces of candy. The box of raisins was saved for breakfast. I still need to get the chocolate out of the front of her costume.
p.s. She didn't do it for Hallowe'en but for the last couple of weeks when she sees either the pumpkin bucket or her costume Maisie says "trick-or-treat". All set for next year.