Sep 14
She Wore It!Posted by: Peanut on Sep 14, 2014 |
Maisie wore her new sweater. Better than wore it in fact; she picked it.
I finished it a couple of weeks ago: buttons sewn on, blocked and boring before-it-gets-dirty finished object photos taken. I was just in time for the cool weather but hopeful we'd get some warmish days early in September. I put the sweater in Maisie's drawer and hoped for the best. The following Tuesday she did not like the t-shirt I had picked out for her. This happens a lot and I've started just opening the drawer and letting her pick a shirt herself. I tried to hide my excitement when she pulled out the sweater. I totally failed. "Ow, ow" she said as she pointed to the kitty buttons. She doesn't say the M at the beginning of "meow" yet. I tucked a sleeveless tee inside the sweater and put them on as one shirt. Worked perfectly and she was so pleased. More "Ow"s, more pointing at the buttons. Lots of running around telling us it was time to put on hats* and head out the door.
When I picked her up after work I took my big camera just in case her sweater was still reasonably clean. It was. Sunshine makes for such lovely pictures. Especially when your subject is a fast moving toddler. I love that serious face before she started running toward me.
We walked from the day care to the park by city hall. We were going to meet Rob downtown and get dinner at the Farmers' Market. We paused along the way to pick some rosehips and examine twigs. Walking is a lot slower with a toddler but there is so much more to notice. Eventually we reached the park. One of the things I find really fun about going to the market is how many people you know that you run into there. We saw several friends, some co-workers and one of my sisters. Maisie was very happy to be held by her aunt and showed off some of her new vocabulary by pointing at me and saying "Mummy". The grass at the park is wonderful. Springy and well kept. Maisie had a grand time running around and poking at things. When Rob arrived we all walked around together for a little bit. Maisie was excited to see a plane fly overhead and watched it until it was out of sight. She puts her arms out and tilts from side to side like a plane. I bought a loaf of rosemary bread for tomorrow's dinner and looked at some of the jams for sale. Raspberry had already sold out. We had gyoza and lemonade for dinner. So good. Some clouds came in as we were eating and it got a bit chilly. We put the kitty hoody on Maisie and headed home.
Oh yeah, some notes about the sweater: The pattern is Wee Cria by Ysolda Teague. The yarn is Tanis Fiber Arts Pink Label Lace weight in Moonmist. It's from her 2013 Year in Colour Club. I used it held double to approximate a sock weight yarn for this pattern. I think it turned out just right and the colour really suites Maisie. The construction for this little sweater is really neat and makes you feel clever. The pattern is well written too so those tricky, clever bits aren't too confusing. There is a grown-up sized version too and I've already added it to my mental list of things to make sometime. The buttons are Beatrix Potter kittens from my stash. I've had them for ages but never had the right project for them. When I started this sweater in May I'd intended it to be a summer sweater but I didn't realize how much slower knitting goes when you have a toddler so it's a fall sweater instead. Fortunately it looks like it will fit for a little while - especially if I leave that bottom button undone - and will look just as cute over a long sleeved tee. The little pockets might be my favourite detail. I wonder what kind of treasures Maisie will hide in them.
*Hats are very important in our house. Maisie figures if she has to wear a hat everyone else does too. Rob forgot his when he left work for the park and Maisie pointed out his lack of hat several times. Now that it's getting cooler she's also telling us to wear scarves.