Posted by: Peanut in MyBlog on Jan 03, 2013
Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a lovely holiday. Ours was very nice, though Rob did have to go into work a bit between Christmas and New Years. I finished both of my knitted gifts with time to spare making the last couple of days before Christmas much more relaxing. We drove around and looked at displays of Christmas lights, ate oranges and candy, and watched Ollie climb (and consequently distort) the Christmas tree. I did some Christmas baking. For the first time ever I added food colouring to my spritz cookie dough so we had little green trees. We ate two turkey dinners with all the right veggies and desserts. My favourite part of dinner every year is when the pudding is lit. The days between Christmas and New Years were pretty relaxed and I just hung around the house and tried to catch up on my December Dailies (I'm now officially behind on both 2011 and 2012) and some handwork projects. The weather was milder than usual on New Year's Eve so we went down to the lake to watch the fireworks instead of just watching whatever we could from the living room window. Before we left I looked up "how to photograph fireworks" and made all the setting changes to my camera. We found a nice spot, I put the camera on the tripod and just pressed the shutter button every minute or so. I didn't even bother with the view finder except to make sure the camera was pointed in about the right direction when I set it up. Lots of blurry shots but I got some nice ones too. Seeing the fireworks without a bunch of houses in the way is really nice but we were glad to get back into the warm when they finished.