Posted by: Peanut in MyBlog on Sep 05, 2010
I've started cutting for a new quilt for our bed.
Lots of little squares.
A few big squares.
And every one is different.
I've been thinking of trying a charm quilt for a while and finally decided to dive in. A charm quilt, for those not familiar with the term, is a quilt in which every patch is of a different fabric. I'd heard about them way back when I first started quilting but I've never attempted one. There may be a few finer rules - I'm not sure if you are really allowed to include solid fabrics - but I won't be entering my quilt in any competitions except, perhaps, the local "viewer's choice".
I've cut more squares since I took this photo and was gifted with a bunch of scraps from one of my friends so I've now got a little over 200 squares cut and bundled. All together, provided my math was correct, I'll need about 780 different fabrics to finish this quilt.
Obviously it will not be done quickly.
But that's fine by me. In the process of cutting all the teeny squares I've come across a few old projects - some half finished, some just ideas pinned to piles of fabric - that I'm eager to start working on again. We've had the green quilt on our bed all summer and I just love sleeping under a homemade quilt. I want to have a few more to rotate with it.