Sep 02
I'm waiting for my canner to reach boiling. Inside are five jars of my very first jelly. Rhubarb jelly to be exact. I got some rhubarb from Rob's mum on the weekend to make strawberry rhubarb jam and of course I cut too much. I was going to just freeze all of the leftovers when I thought "why not try jelly?"
I made the juice last night and left the stewed fruit sitting in a muslin lined colander over a bowl until this evening. When I measured it out it was only a cup of liquid but it was very thick so I wasn't so worried about having to add water. While it was cooking it got very cloudy - almost the colour of bubble gum or strawberry ice-cream - but cleared up after the pectin was added and is now the most incredible, delicate pink. I've got two 250 ml jars and three 125 ml jars in the canner and I had enough jelly left in the pot to almost fill a fourth 125 ml jar. That one hadn't been sterilized though so I just stuck it in the fridge and we'll have to finish it in a week or so.
I can't wait for breakfast tomorrow.