Jan 21
Happy New Year!
Are we too far into January to say that? This month has flown by and I can hardly believe it’s just over a week until February. We had a very nice, though very cold, Christmas here. Maisie is so much fun right now and got right into everything. It seems that Christmas plays second fiddle to her birthday though because she’s been asking me how many days until her birthday since about mid November. She’s also growing like a weed and disappointed to discover that she’s running out of space in a much loved little sweater. I dug out some sparkly blue yarn I’d bought for her a couple of years ago. She had a fun time winding up the balls of yarn with my swift and helped me pick out a pattern (Wallaby 4 ply) for a simple, light weight sweater. Curious about he laundry room picture? Rob spent a day getting every last piece of garbage and recycle out of there and turned it into a usable room once again. When the sun comes in it's a really nice little space and getting the laundry done is so much easier than it has been.