Sep 14
Where did the weekend go? I know I did stuff (I have photographic evidence) but it seems like there should have been a lot more time in those two days. I know where yesterday went at least. The projected low for last night was zero so I spent most of the evening taking in everything that would be killed by the frost. Tomatoes, beans, ground cherries and my squash were all harvested and will be stored in the house until we eat them.
The tomatoes and ground cherries will go into some large, shallow cardboard boxes in the spare room to ripen over the next couple of months. The beans will be pickled (along with some carrots to be picked later). I'm not totally sure what the best way to store the squash is but it will probably just go into the pantry (cool and dark) until we roast it with some butter and salt and pepper. I don't think I'll be willing to store it for very long; I'm too thrilled at actually getting a squash to risk it going bad before we can eat it.
When I got up this morning there was a white layer of frost over everything except the plants that were right up against the house. Since I'd already gathered in everything I was worried about I was able to just enjoy the look of it. I especially love the spots where the sun was hitting the plants but hadn't been there long enough the melt the frost yet. The air had a lovely crispness to it. I know that by February I'll be so sick of winter but right now I am in love with fall.