Apr 21
Easter WeekendPosted by: Peanut on Apr 21, 2016 |
I always have so much trouble summing up things like major holidays. I think it is because they are so full of wonderful little stories. It’s hard to decide which to tell and it’s sometimes hard to fit them all together into a single post. The other option would be a whole series of little posts which would be pretty fun. I don’t know that they would get done any more speedily though. Here are some of the stories of our weekend.
We went to the Long John Jamboree and the Snow Castle. We decided to go early to avoid a possible nap time conflict and then discovered nothing opened for half an hour. We got a little cold. We ran into friends and neighbours. We had fun. We watched a play. We went down a big slide. We stood on the ice. (I need to remember to change the aperture setting on my camera to reflect current conditions.)
Maisie wore her new mittens, under protest, for exactly as long as it took us to go down the big slide, solely because they were a condition of getting to go down the big slide. She cried a bit because I picked the slower of the two slides.
Maisie did an egg hunt in our living room. She found six sparkly eggs full of fun things. Some of those fun things were play strawberries and a teeny bottle of blue nail polish.
I made Maisie’s fourth Easter bonnet. She was very excited about it. Then she hated it and wouldn’t let it touch her head. Then she was really excited about it again and asked to wear it outside. But she wouldn’t wear a coat.
Maisie did a second egg hunt with her cousins. She got a butterfly painted on her forehead by her aunt.
Maisie and I did some colouring.
We had friends over for shovelling and tea on the Monday. Grown-ups chatted. Kiddos moved snow around, stuck butterfly stickers to their tea cups, hid in the tent, and sold food from the "delivery window". It was so warm out jackets were optional. After they left we went for a walk with Abby. I carried a hat and sweater for Maisie but she never asked for them. I carried a hat for me too but never wanted it.