Mar 06
I used up a teeny bit of vacation time and gave myself a long weekend. I spent about half of it taking care of a few neglected things around the house. I feel so much better about housework when I can do it while the sun is up but I hate to spend all my sunshine time on the weekends cleaning. Giving it a day to itself works much better. The rest of my time was spend on more enjoyable tasks. I copied out some patterns I want to make up, worked on my Dessert of the Month cross stitch, ate greens from our (indoor) garden, read good books, drank tea, watched a couple of movies with Rob, and rediscovered and started working on an old sewing project. The critters followed me around the house almost the whole time. Abby was especially happy if I was out in the living room (in the sun). Ollie insisted on curling up on my lap and this afternoon I managed to use my sewing machine with her there. Fred talked to himself and pounced on passers by. All in all, a productive and relaxing four days and a shortened work week to head into tomorrow morning.