Oct 29
Second, How do you like my new skirt?
This is the brown linen blend that I’ve had for so long. I used the basic skirt pattern from Sew U and made it an inch wider (for more flare) and an inch shorter (to fit on my chunk of fabric). The skirt is fully lined with cotton lawn and finished at the hem with a length of vintage eyelet lace that was very kindly given to me (along with many other pieces which I’ll post about sometime soon) by Samera’s mother.
While I was cutting I noticed that the linen frayed rather badly so all the seam allowances are completely enclosed and I did the same for the lining - you will not find any raw edges on this skirt. The lining, lace hem and enclosed seams (meaning several lines of stitching) give the skirt a more defined shape than I’d originally anticipated. It stands out a bit instead of falling straight down. I wasn’t sure about this at first but after wearing my skirt a bit I like the way it keeps it looking a little tidier. The linen creases terribly - and irons correspondingly beautifully - and I think the lining helps minimize the wrinkling.
Since the hem detail doesn’t really show up in the picture above I thought I’d put in a close-up shot showing off the pretty lace. I love the little flowers.