Feb 05
This is a collection of photos I found in my “blog this” folder. It gives a nice snapshot of some of the things we’ve been doing and how things are right now. The sun has been coming back. I’ve been slowly knitting on Maisie’s blue cardigan. Maisie had a friend over one Saturday afternoon and we made chocolate chip cookies with rainbow sprinkles. It is an activity I would highly recommend for grey and dark winter days. Rainbows always make me smile. I sewed a jumpsuit for Maisie but need to figure out how to stop the facing from rolling before I can photograph it. Rob and Maisie made soup one night and Maisie got to use a sharp knife for the first time. She was so proud of herself and the soup was delicious. It was practice for taking a vegetable to school to cut and make fish chowder with her class. After cutting a variety of things she decided she liked the leek the best and took that as her veggie for the chowder pot. Lily is growing. That seems obvious but watching a baby grow is crazy; it’s just so fast. She can now roll over and she grabs at anything within reach. My tea mug is a particular favourite and I’m getting very good at drinking tea stealthily. She has also started to notice and like the camera which is a lot of fun. I'm finally catching some smiles instead of just quizzical looks.
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