Nov 23
Because I felt like posting today but didn't really have anything to say...
- A picture of my (very sad) tomato plants and (very awesome) yellow half barrel on the back deck. Taken when I went outside to fill the squirrel feeder on Sunday.
- There is a squirrel path from the bottom of the steps to the corner of our shed. It's about 4 inches wide and an inch deep in the snow. I wanted to take a picture of it too but my battery died.
- I've been enjoying this way too much. Especially the story about moving with dogs. Rob hears me laughing and asks what I'm reading and then he sees my screen and says "Again!?" and I try to stifle my laughing (but fail).
- Zeke has carefully fitted himself into a shallow box on my desk. I last used that box for corralling sparkles. I'm going to have a sparkly cat.
- His tail is curled around my tea cup and he's using a half consumed yarn cake for a pillow.
- If he stays put while I get out and turn on my camera I might get a picture of it.
- The Yarn Harlot posted about tea today. She was talking about afternoon tea specifically but tea in general is so good it deserves a second mention.
- I'm working on foundation pages for a December Daily project. I hope to share them soon but first I have to finish deciding how I want to put my cover together.
- I'm trying really hard to resist eating one of the two brownies remaining in the pan. It's hard. I know they're there.
- The cat stayed put while I took pictures! Er ... you also get to see how messy my desk is.
- Uh ... he just got up and walked all over my desk.
- And sneezed.
- Now there are sparkles all over my desk.
- Cat sneezes are so cute.