Dec 10
Random Thoughts and a New ProjectPosted by: Peanut on Dec 10, 2012 |
Time seems to slither away from me right now. I have all sorts of things I want to share in this space but by the end of the day I'm so tired that I can't think in words. Weekends are better but there still is never enough time to do everything I'd like. I'm sure the way the sun is setting at 3:30 in the afternoon has something to do with this. I've made a bit of time today so here is a random list of things I've been wanting to talk about:
1 - My December Daily for 2011 is still not done. In part this is because I ran out of photo paper and one of my printer inks insists on streaking but I'm sure I could at least be closer to finished if I summoned up a bit of energy. Maybe tomorrow …
2 - My December Daily for 2012 is started. Technically. I have all the stuff together. And I've printed off my foundation pages. And I've been taking lots of pictures and started collecting notes on my computer. I … er … haven't actually put any of it into the album yet .. but I will … soon …
3 - While I was thinking about all my unfinished projects last weekend and trying to straighten out my printing problem I thought of a great idea for a completely new project and I'm already a third of the way finished.
4 - The cats have been finding all of the very warmest spots to sleep.
5 - I'm finished a new pair of socks but haven't yet found a bright enough afternoon to photograph them properly.
6 - The stocking I'm making for my niece is coming along well but can't go any further until a skein of blue yarn arrives in my mailbox. It should be here any day now. I can't wait to continue. I'm not doing a lot of Christmas knitting this year but a stocking cannot be late.
7 - I put up the Christmas lights. I was waiting for a (relatively) warm day and we finally got one. They make the porch look so nice and cheery.
8 - I think our baby might have the hiccups right now. It feels pretty weird.
9 - Our resident squirrel has been coming to the feeder on even the coldest days this past week. He fluffs up all his fur and tucks his tail right into the back of his neck to keep himself warm while he eats as many peanuts as possible.