Posted by: Peanut in MyBlog on Dec 31, 2016
Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. I can hardly believe it. Our Christmas break feels like it has gone so quickly. It’s been a lovely time and we’ve got a few more days. Maisie goes back to school on Wednesday and then we’ll all settle back into our regular routines. This is just a random selection of pictures for our holiday. Moments of celebration and of everyday life. The redpolls at the feeder on the back deck were rather special. We usually see squirrels or chickadees at this time of year, along with the occasional raven, but I’ve never seen redpolls before. Perhaps they’ve joined in because the feeder has both peanuts and sunflower seeds at the moment. Or maybe they just happened to discover it now. Maisie was very excited about everything for Christmas and liked the presents we’d made and chosen for her. I think one of the best moments was getting to see the craters on the moon on Christmas morning. Rob and I were really excited about the telescope and so worried that Christmas morning would be cloudy and we wouldn’t be able to use it right away but it was crisp and clear and perfect. Every day since Christmas Maisie has been opening up her new games and toys and books and trying them out. She’s got a nice pace about it and we’ve been enjoying them all with her. I’m starting to look forward to putting the Christmas decoration away and getting the house less cluttered in the New Year. I cleaned off the top of my desk today and it feels so refreshing.