Apr 15
Was last week nice for you? It was full of lovely, everyday moments for us. Maisie has a new trick she can do on her giraffe bike. It freaks me out to see her do it but as long as the bike is on the carpet she doesn't seem to hurt herself when she falls off. Rob introduced her to snow for the first time. She wasn't overly enamoured with the experience but there will be plenty more opportunities to discover how great it is. Right now I'm more interested in water. Last Tuesday we got close enough to zero that things started melting just a bit and this week there is a drip, drip, drip off the house in the afternoon. I'm excited to rediscover my garden and share the joy of freshly picked peas with Miss Maisie. We're going to give broccollini a try this year.
Much fun was had one afternoon last week by putting yoghurt drops into an empty bottle and dumping them out again. Many landed on the floor. Abby and Ollie ate them. I got to drink my tea. We went out for breakfast on Saturday morning. Instead of her usual boots we put Maisie's shoes on so she'd be able to walk around at the restaurant. She really likes the robots and flapped her feet around and smiled at them while Rob got her hat and scarf on. Saturday afternoon was cake and tea to celebrate my recent birthday. I made this cake and it was great. I added raisins and was pretty generous with the icing. It's delicious and not too sweet. And it's great for breakfast the next day.
I managed to get in a little crafting this weekend. Socks for me are finished. Socks for Maisie are started. A little quilt top id finished too. I've got some minky for the backing. I usually like to stick to all natural materials when I'm sewing because they just feel nicer to me but the minky is so soft. I've been warned that it's kind of stretchy to sew with and to use lots of pins. With luck I get it done sometime this week.