Jan 29
Pattern: Universal Toe-up Sock Formula by Amy Swenson (my go to sock pattern)
Yarn: Garnstudio DROPS Fabel
Size: to fit me (60 stitches around at about 8 stitch per 2.5 cm)
Yardage: about 70% of each ball (70 g)
Needles: 2.00 mm wood
Ravelry Link here.
I am wearing new socks today. It took me nearly a year to knit these - I had too look up when they were started, turns out it was February 4th of 2016 - so I’m blogging them right away. The pattern is just a basic toe-up sock but the yarn makes these really fancy looking. I always get lots of compliments on my knitting when I’m using self-patterning yarns. I didn’t notice it when I bought my balls of yarn but they turned out to be two different dye lots. The stripes are the same but one sock is slightly darker than the other and has a few more random speckles. I like them both. For the first time ever I took the time to start my socks at exactly the same point so that my socks match, stripe for stripe, across my feet. It’s weirdly satisfying. I used Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-off for the cuffs. I think it is the second time I’ve used it and I like the way it feels. I kept having to look up the instructions though so I might write them on a card to stick in my sock knitting bag for quicker reference in future.