Mar 25
We have a four year old in our household. It’s incredible and wonderful. Watching Maisie grow continues to be one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed. To participate in her growing and learning is so exciting (and exhausting). She is constantly reminding me of things I had forgotten and causing me to notice things I didn’t see. We had so much fun celebrating her birthday. At her request I made strawberry cake and she chose colours of icing (I use this recipe) for both the cupcakes, that were the activity for her party, and the cake. I set up her birthday ring over the course of a week; every morning she got up to find a new piece or two in the ring and on her birthday morning we added the number and lit the candles. I made her some dress-ups for her present from us. An owl mask and a fairy skirt. She also got a new number shirt in her current favourite colour (which is mostly pink but could be purple). We had a few friends over for her party and it was just right. Lots of fun and not too exhausting.