Mar 14
Hello extended family: I know you make up a lot of my readership right now and I wanted to let you know that I have (finally) put our most recent family photos up on Flickr for your enjoyment. They were taken by Dave Brosha and, as always, his work is fabulous. What you can't see is that for the few of just me and Rob Dave was holding a squealing and squirming Maisie on one shoulder and using his camera with the other hand. I wish I'd had my camera so I could have taken a picture of him. Memory with have to suffice. If you'd like a larger version of anything for printing off, just let us know and we'll email it to you.
For everyone else a quick quiz: identify all the handknits in the last picture above. I'm not sure what you'll win (other than a happy feeling of accomplishment and renewed faith in your abilities as a sleuth and researcher) but I might be able to come up with something. Bonus points if you can tell me which yarns I used and if any of those yarns are used in other projects.
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You have such a beautiful family Peanut. You should be very proud.