Mar 06
We were treated to a wonderfully warm day last Thursday. I think the high was around -6℃ and there was hardly any wind. Mum and I arranged to pick up Maisie early so we could take her out onto the lake with Abby. She gets so excited about wearing her snowsuit and sitting down in the snow. We didn’t get to do much walking or running around once we were on the lake. Maisie plunked herself down, asked for her mittens, and tried to make snowballs. Our snow was too dry to cooperate but she had a lot of fun anyway. Abby ran around like a mad think and had a couple of snow baths. I always feel like we need to take advantage of every nice day we get. This winter has been much milder than most but there still haven’t been many days warm enough for me to be comfortable going for a walk at Maisie’s pace. We dropped into the -30s two days later and are only just creeping back into the teens today. March can be an unpredictable month but I think we should manage a few more snow play adventures before spring really gets going and it’s not safe to go on the lake anymore.
… but then there will be ducks!