Jul 08
Over the last few weekends I slowly made Maisie a pink geranium dress. I’m was really pleased with the way it came together but even more pleased that she wanted to put it on right away and has hardly taken it off since I finished it on Saturday. It’s already been washed twice and has probably got sand ground in. It’s a perfect play dress for this weather. The fabric is a lightweight cotton that’s been in my stash for ages. I don’t know how much I originally got but I have two tops and a dress made out of it for me. Maisie asked for the flutter sleeves and chose her own buttons. She also specifically asked for pockets but I think I’d have put those on anyway. There are lots of treasures to collect when you’re four. I was a little intimidated by the button holes - it’s been so long since I’ve done them - but they really weren’t a big deal at all and there are only three of them. My line of stitch-in-the-ditch to hold the bodice lining down missed in a few spots. I was thinking of hand stitching the places that were missed but Maisie happened to be in the sewing room just then so I asked her if she’d like a bit of zig-zag stitching instead. I suspect the zig-zag is stronger and it looks more fun too.