Sep 29
Making me happyPosted by Peanut in Miscellaneous , Life |

Making me happy right now:
- the way the vacuum picked up all the little sticks on the family room rug (courtesy of Abby and a piece of wood she brought inside)
- a new front door and a contractor who says he should be able to install it this week
- two cans of paint for said door

- autumn coloured scraps on my sewing table
- a sister-in-law who took our puppy for an extra long walk
- a baked pancake for lunch, complete with maple syrup and powdered sugar, and a cup of tea

- listening to Rob play newly rediscovered old-school video games (the music is so funny)
- the way reading one of the Anne books makes me feel excited about housekeeping (perhaps I should read these more often)

- harvesting our carrots
- Abby sitting next to me asking for a bit of carrot instead of chasing the cat
- some new patchwork in my sewing machine

What makes you happy right now?